Love Your Body this Summer

Most people love the summer! They long for it all year. The icy cold days are done for a while, and the warm sun and soft air feel so good! If we’re lucky, we get to spend some time at the pool, beach and yard, soaking up some of that sun! However, and despite all the positive body image talk and the new trend for self-love and care, there are still many that have anxiety around what their body looks like in less clothing or even more so, in a swimsuit! I’m not going to say “get over it” or “who cares,” “just put your swimsuit on and go to the beach.” To begin with, that’s easier said than done. It’s also frustrating and not validating to those that just can’t shake their feelings. Not all of us can just “get over it,” and even if we can, it takes time.

However, let’s be optimistic - literally! I want to help you FEEL good about having a strong, healthy body! I want you feel beautiful on the inside and out! Show your body some appreciation and love your for what it does, and can do! Invest some time, energy, and love in YOU! You will see that taking good care of your body feels good. After all, it is the only one you have!

A study last year in the American College of Cardiology showed that matching optimism about well-being WITH healthy interventions works better than just being optimistic alone or just going on a diet alone. The “review authors found that psychological well-being influenced heart health through biological processes (ex: improving high blood pressure), health behaviors (ex: eating adequate vegetables) and psychosocial resources (like having positive support).” (1) So put a positive focus on what you have, what you’re doing well, and what you can do in a healthier way. You may also find you are not as preoccupied with your perceived imperfections, or even better, what everyone else thinks! Then let’s match that positivity with some achievable action!

Here are some of my favorite, easy ways to show your body some summer lovin’ - and maybe have some fun with it (and maybe even shed a few pounds of extra fat along the way!).

1) Be active! No, not “exercise.” Active! There any many free, easy thing to do in your area that don’t have to feel like torture or require an hour at the gym. Go on hike, play ball - of any sort, try tennis (and it’s quite a workout if you’re not good at it!), play frisbee golf, pull the weeds around your house, go berry picking, play IN the pool, run the beach, walk the dog - it all counts! Have fun every day! Working up a sweat, and getting a little “winded” will also exercise your heart muscle, and you’ll quickly see that each week you can do more and more!

2) Commit to ditching the sugary drinks! Cutting out added sugars in your beverages is the quickest way to cut extra calories in your diet that easily get stored as fat. Even exercise and activity does not usually require a Gatorade or an energy drink (most people need to sweat heavily for at least AN HOUR before they need a sugar/carb/electrolyte replacement). Try water, seltzer, club soda with fruit, and unsweetened teas instead - there’s many to try on the market. You can even make some no to low sugar “mocktails” - even with a cute umbrella in them!

3) Eat fruit and vegetables (or two or three) at EVERY meal! If you have a hard time eating these foods at the breakfast hour, just pack up those veggies and fruits to eat as your snacks or add to other meals. The infusion of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and plant proteins help run your metabolism, cells, and muscles. I swear by just eating more fruits and vegetables, you’ll feel better inside and out! The nutrients in fruits and veggies will work hard for you! Since they are full of fiber, they will also keep you feeling full and help you avoid the cravings for sweets, treats, and processed foods. Try a new fruit or vegetable each week to keep it interesting or be the person that brings the new trendy or exotic dish to the party!

4) Be mindful! We’re all busy and our thoughts are everywhere. We tend to be distracted by everything electronic, and especially connected to many people throughout our day. Obviously we have our families, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances we see throughout the day, but we also have the thoughts of others through social media lingering through our minds. Take the time to pause before throwing food in your mouth - think about choosing foods that feed your body well and healthy. When you eat, slow down. You can still eat in your car or at the ball field or pool side, but take a bite, chew slowly and think about feeding your body well. Eating is not a contest or a race - slow down and enjoy your food for what it is - nourishment for your body!

For more information on how Nutribridge llc can help support your nutrition and health goals, please send me a message at

Think well, eat well, be well - and show yourself some love!

